Hair Transplantation Is A Serious Matter

In short the transplant of hair is not a child's play, and must be carried out by specialists in the field, professionals who do not operate massive interventions, and therefore able to manage the grafts so as not to damage the donor area or the recipient. The maximum number of grafts per single session should not exceed of the patients we see undergoing surgery at 1 to 2 years after transplantation show results and compromised donor areas due to the strong impact that leaves massive intervention. Not to mention, finally, that the transplant is not for everyone, since in some cases the absence of adequate treatment risks the final result, or because sometimes the areas affected by baldness are too extensive and the donor areas too poor of follicles to be taken. 

Hair Transplantat
ion Numbers Are Down:
In only 4000 Pakistani performed a hair transplant, if we think that more than 80% of the male population suffers from alopecia and in women about 30%, 4000 interventions is a significant fact that indicates the new preferences of Pakistan. Today's choice of the overwhelming majority of people suffering from alopecia is to treat their problems at the base trying to avoid or procrastinate the auto transplant, an international trend and not just an Pakistan sentiment. 

What Alternatives Are There For Hair Transplantation?
History teaches that only hair transplantation cannot solve baldness, and hair skill points out, hair transplantation cannot be replaced by other techniques but a lasting result is achieved only if the underlying problem is treated what that hair transplantation does not, but it is the key condition for more complete results. There are protocols of advanced non-surgical, non-invasive and regenerative medicine that are able to intervene concretely on the baldness of each individual patient. A path of this kind is necessary to ensure results not only more aesthetically, but also and above all more durable and natural. Regenerative medicine expresses its maximum potential on thinning a situation that effects of our patients but is considered the basis for all degrees of baldness. 

1 comment:

  1. Hair Transplantation Is very Serious Matter we recommend
    PRP Treatment Center In Lahore. they are good and economical.
